Controlled by microprocessor, it can accurately detect ground resistance, soil resistivity, ground voltage, DC resistance and AC current. The resistance value of the auxiliary electrode is displayed on the same screen, which is convenient for judging the measurement error caused by environmental factors and for more accurate measurement of the real resistance value of the grounding resistance. At the same time, 500 sets of data are stored, and the data can be monitored online through the monitoring software, and the USB data can be uploaded to the PC, and it has unique functions such as value retention and intelligent alarm prompts.
1. Large-diameter current clamp design can measure any grounding resistance value in complex grounding conditions such as single-point and mesh grounding;
2. Precise 4-wire method, 3-wire method and simple 2-wire method, selection method, double clamp method measurement;
3. Fast filtering technology, with excellent anti-interference ability and environmental adaptability, strong consistency of repeated tests, to ensure the accuracy, stability and reliability of the measurement.
4. Data storage function, can store 500 groups of data;
5. Upload to PC through USB data cable for display analysis and output test report
- #1 Lakshman Kirtisinghe
Feb 9, 2022 - Delivered quickly, the seller is very Quickly answers all questions and tries to help if there is a problem
- #1 jason hall
Sep 9, 2021 - It works perfectly as you can see.
- #1 frederic deguillien
May 9, 2021 - Great company!!!!
- #1 Jabril Muhammad
Apr 9, 2022 - Very good arrived early as agreed.
- #1 Владимир Корсунов
Jul 9, 2021 - Delivered quickly, the seller is very Quickly answers all questions and tries to help if there is a problem
- #1 Ahmed Ahmed
Nov 9, 2021 - Got, took off dump and stitched the car without problems) Thank you seller :)
- #1 willer mazzali
Aug 9, 2021 - Will be than to check, i will add. So everything is wonderful. this UNI-T Double Clamp Ground Resistance Meter UT575A 0-30 kΩ Megometer Esr Tester Ohm Meter Data Storage is good quality, working very well
Dec 9, 2021 - Thank you very much just as I want
- #1 Thomas Larkin
Jun 9, 2021 - All the best works great!
- #1 Ana Carina Varzielas de freitas
Nov 9, 2021 - Very good product super fast
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