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EWS Reader for BMW

EWS Reader for BMW

  • US$107.00 US$95.00 11%
  • Out of Stock
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The Keymaker for EWS tool has been design for working with EWS alarm system. All BMW vehicles models equipped with EWS Immobilizers from 1995 year: E34(5xx), E36(3xx),E38 (7xx), E39 (5xx), E46 (3xx), E53 (X5), Z4, Mini Cooper, Rover 75, Range Rover.
  • Item No.
  • COBD2732
  • Weight
  • 500g

EWS Reader for BMW
1. Work with all modifications of EWS1, EWS2, EWS3, EWS3+, EWS4
2. Reading and writing EWS3 and EWS3+ memory via unit connector (K-line).
(Don't ever try to read or write D47J mask processors! Those processors have active protection.)
3. Automatically detection of EWS version from EEprom memory.
4. Additional keys programming.
5. Used keys adding (if you know a password).
6. Used keys renew function (if you know a password).
7. Keys synchronization.
8. Activation and deactivation of available keys.
9. Coding of EWS.
10. EWS identification data changing (production date, EWS number etc.)
11. Used EWS3 resetting to factory conditions.
12. EWS VIN changing.
13. Key VIN change (after 1998).
14. EWS mileage changing (after 1998)
15. Key mileage changing (after 1998)
EWS's Motorola Processor masks checking.
Before reading the EWS processor check it's mask (see picture below)

ews reader 1
Example of processor’s mask.
1. Old types of EWS1, EWS2 and EWS3 hw2 sw5 used the mask D47J. Take it off from EWS board and read with special adapter (in complete with EWS keymaker).
2. Use any programmer for reading of EWS4 and EWS4(1) processor.
3. New types of EWS3 and EWS3+ use the mask D46J. You can read it via EWS connector (K-line).
D47J mask processor’s adapter connection

ews reader 2
K-line cable to EWS connection

ews reader 3
EWS eeprom memory reading. "READ" button.
1. Disconnect and take off EWS module from a car.
2. Open it and take off an electronic board from EWS box.
3. Connect the device to your PC via USB cable. Install drivers from “USB_Driver"folder. If you work with D47J mask use adaptor, if it’s D46J use K-line cable.
Start the BMW EWS Reader software:

bmw ews reader 1
The software is ready to work via K-line cable at once. If you need to use D47J adapter change the operation mode:

bmw ews reader 2
bmw ews reader
Don't try to read 2D47J mask processor via K-line cable. It can damage processor internal memory.
Supply the power 12 Volt 500mA and over to the device. You have to connect power supply if you read EWS internal memory via it’s connector only. Then find and clean the vanish on this point of EWS board:

ews board
Press the READ button. You will see the report at the bottom of the window

read button
Touch the point mentioned above by the tester fixed to the device. You will see a progress report at the bottom of the window. You can remove the tester when reading process started. If you read 2D47J processor with adapter choose 2D47J and press READ button. After reading “OK"report will appear at the bottom of the window. Then press EDITOR bookmark at the top of the window.

press editor bookmark
EEprom memory file window will open

eeprom memory
If there are 00 in all the lines it means that you forgot to connect external power supply while read the processor.
Then save this file on your hard disk with “File-Save as" command. You can save this file without reviewing if you press “File-Save as" bookmark on the top of the main window.

save file
New EEprom memory writing. Open new file which you would like to write into the EWS

eeprom memory writing
Press the Write button and touch the same point on the EWS board with the tester fixed to the device. If writing process has finished successfully you will see “OK" report on the bottom of the main window.
press write button
PCF7935 transponder and ELM key reading.
The Read/Write key bookmark.

read/write key bookmark
The new window will open on the right
new window open

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